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Very nice pig

 Very nice pig

A very good pig

Arrogance is always the rule in this time. Every one believes in the depths of his soul that he is a good man and is not closer to God. Perhaps more than that, he is a victim of this evil age and that he is oppressed and victimized and everyone has deprived him of his rights. They digested his existence and took his place... and that he is at the bottom, while he should be at the top and in the back, while his correct position is at the front... and all of this is because he is good, a lawful son, and has good intentions, he treats God and does not treat people, and he races in doing good deeds... and perhaps this speaker had a monthly income of one thousand A pound, and at his door was an angel carriage. But he will be quick to tell you... that he thanks God for these ridiculous Fiats and is not thinking about owning a Chevrolet like others... and that he thanks God for his salary and is content with his income, so he does not extend his hand to public money or touch the forbidden, and I seek refuge in God from the forbidden and eating the forbidden, then he kisses his hand back to the stomach on the side. God created him with a pure heart, a lively conscience, and a chaste hand... and that life with goodness is better, for nothing lasts in this world except good deeds... and perhaps it is very funny to read about this good man who is all people, for all people in this time think they are good. Very.. I say, perhaps it would be interesting to read a few lines from Al-Ghazali’s book.. The Revival of Religious Sciences.. about the character of righteous people.. and what they used to do.. and how they lived, to know where his place is in the ranks of righteousness. Al-Ghazali says about the righteous Sufi (Abu Sulaiman al-Darani): Abu Sulaiman used to say that salt is a lust and a reprehensible luxury, because it is an addition to bread, and everything that is in addition to bread is lust. It is narrated from him that one evening he craved a hot loaf of salt, so when they brought it to him, he took a bite of it, then He threw it away and began to cry and mumble between his tears. I hastened to my lust after the long struggle and my misery. Repentance. Repentance. And from that day no one ever saw him touch salt. And Christ lived without a wife, without a child, without a house, and without a bed. He only had one garment, and he was He says to his friends, “Do not carry a bag for food.” His slogan was “Our daily bread is our daily bread.” It seems that the world has changed very greatly since the days of Al-Ghazali. Here is De Gaulle saying in one of his speeches to the Christian French people: “I do not understand how to govern a people that makes one hundred and thirty-six varieties.” Of cheese. And here in the heart of Cairo and in the poorest bakery, you will be amazed at the number of varieties that come out of wheat alone... cakes, tarts, gateaux, baguettes, croissants, biscuits, tortillas, unleavened bread, petit fours, pasta... Umm Ali, sumait, khashaf, couscous, sweets, porridge, local bread, Levantine bread, black bread, and white bread. And the Qaraqish... in fact, a thousand types of pasta alone are made from it... to this degree this good person is preoccupied with his stomach... and spends time classifying and compiling to satisfy a desire that will never be satisfied... and it is a very natural thing that someone who eats one hundred and thirty-six types of cheese cannot... It is obvious that he will be content with one wife, and he must try to taste his neighbor’s wife and his friend’s wife, and prepare a table for himself of a thousand kinds. And when he is satisfied with ten mistresses, he will believe that he is very good, very ascetic in this world, and one of the righteous and successful people... regardless of the ruling of religion. Christian or Islamic, regarding such a man, the rule of civilization and the rule of reason is that such a person is fallen and a consumer who takes and does not give, and will not find the time to give even if he thinks about giving... because any production or giving will require time, dedication, gathering of determination, concentration of mind, and interruption. The heart...and such a person includes one hundred and thirty-six types of cheese, a thousand inventions from mills and bakeries, a thousand women, a thousand Christian Dewar products, dozens of movies and sleepless nights every night, and dozens of television programs. Such a person will not have anything good left for himself or for others. This person killed himself with premeditation, premeditation, and premeditation. He preferred a quick and delicious death, burned by his lust. He is committing the crime of waste, waste of life, but the waste this time is a great waste. It is a waste of civilization and history. It is an individual waste, a family waste, and a social waste. Hunger, gluttony, gluttony, and lust. Man has no mind left to think or contemplate anything. He eats until he is full and drinks until he explodes, then he stretches out like a bull to wake us up again... Whenever he sleeps through frenzy and a period of heat, he is awakened by windows, advertisements, posters, appetite stimulant pills, digestive pills, and monkey injections that restore the old man to his youth. The result of satiety and sleep is dullness and then cruelty. We see that satiated human pig passing next to the hungry, naked person, but he does not feel it, because he is busy with his renewed desires every moment. That is, he pats his hand on his full stomach and feels satisfied with himself, and that he is good and righteous and did not He may harm anyone. He may have visited the church during the holidays and put a penny in the votive box. He may have fasted Ramadan and eaten more during it than every month, and enjoyed new types of food such as almonds, walnuts, qamr al-din, kunafa, qatayef, and apricots. In fact, this same mentality is what turned the month of fasting into a month of eating. Simple statistics can prove to us that the consumption of meat during the month of fasting doubles, as does the consumption of tarshi and pickles to help with swallowing, slipping, and gagging. The result of this slipping, squealing, fattening, and constant vomiting are extra pounds of fat and meat, and diseases such as gout, blood pressure, diabetes, angina, kidney, liver, and large intestine, and then early tooth decay due to excessive softness of the food. But as I said, this pig is very good, and whenever a heart attack strikes it, it says, “Oh, Lord.” Oh, kind.. Your mercy.. Your protection.. And perhaps he drew the cross and murmured, “Our Father who art in heaven.” Or he prayed two rak’ahs.. or distributed a tray of kunafa that no good person would eat to the doormen.. And because this era is the era of good pigs of this type, we see In it, people die of hunger in a country like India, and many people in rich countries die of satiety... without anyone lifting a finger. We also see ignorance to the point of complete illiteracy, and knowledge to the point of ascending to the moon and launching rockets into orbits in space... without science moving to satisfy ignorance or satiety moving to satisfy hunger... Rather, the full may unite to fight the hungry because the full have an abundance of weapons just as they have an abundance of bread. And the hungry have nothing.. Hmm. G- But as I said, this pig man is very good.. and he believes that God is very good like him and that is why all people will enter Paradise.. And he says to you.. Is it reasonable for God to place his head in ours and hold us accountable? On the words we said and the actions we did. In relation to God and God’s greatness, we are like ants, dust particles, or atoms of aerosol. This is unreasonable. God is very great. He is too great to torture us. He imagines that this trust in God is a kind of sublime faith. He forgets that with this foolish notion, God is demanding injustice and that... He equates black and white and makes the oppressor like the oppressed and the murderer like the murdered in his laws.. If he had studied a little chemistry and nature, he would have known that God’s laws do not equal the atoms and that everything moves tightly from the small electron to the great heavenly bodies in agreement with precise scientific logic.. and that the atoms They combine and interact with each other according to their atomic weights... even though these weights are very, very, very small quantities... and by extrapolating the wonders of this universe, the precision of its course, and the precision of its development. The mind screams... in the hands of this ability... an oppressor cannot escape... nor can a murderer who has been wronged by the laws of the earth escape... this is a mind that contemplates and is addicted to contemplation says... As for the minds that have become satiated and lethargic and have been overshadowed by the dullness of pigs... they imagine an afterlife. Swine or do you not imagine a resurrection and an afterlife at all? And one says in extreme dullness: Is it possible for a dead person to be resurrected from nothing? They imagine that a surgeon like Dr. Bernard would remove the heart of a dead man and resurrect him alive in the chest of another man, but they cannot imagine who created Dr. Bernard. And who created the entire world is a greater miracle... But in the era of Holy Chantilly, religious thinking became an old fashion... and positive sciences and electronic minds became the modern idols, and this is a result of laziness and arrogance. A full man is too lazy to return a glance. He transferred all his calculations to calculators and electronic brains and sat sipping ice cream soda with pleasure. He does not have time to ask himself these tiring questions: Where did I come from? Where am I going? What after death? What before birth? These are all unseen labyrinths. He has before him a night full of pleasures that should not be wasted on questions that bring headaches... and between the tables. Appetite and crimson red nights make pigs spend their lives, and if there is time left, they butt heads, hooves, or atomic bombs until they die. The full person dies in order to be more satisfied and the hungry person to become more hungry... and life ends in vain... it ends in a crime. And the sun sets without a person asking himself one simple question: Why am I here? From a book on love and life by Mustafa Mahmoud
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